My Political Platform

Why am I seeking re-election as city councillor?

Because I want our kids to live in a safe community, with many job opportunities and affordable housing options.  Both my wife and I were born and raised here, and we know Chilliwack is the most beautiful place to live, and it has given us many opportunities.

I want to keep improving our city and keep it going in the same direction, with low taxes and strong fiscal responsibility.  I want to continue the expansion of our local economy and support of local farmers, so that there are jobs for our citizens in all pay levels.

Recently, I was a small-scale dairy farmer, and I am also in the service industry (construction and real estate).  Being personally involved in 3 different industries gives me a unique perspective of different issues. I am approachable, accountable, and listen to all points of view with respect.  Every day, my job is to bring people together, through negotiation and collaboration, to a position that everyone can support. I realize that to get anything done, you need support from fellow councillors, and I am a team player.

My parents came here in the early 50’s, because it was welcoming, safe, and offered them opportunities to get ahead. I want these same conditions and opportunities to be available for our current generation that is entering the workforce.

I am asking for your support, so that I can continue to be part of a team of city councillors that will lead us through the challenges we face over the next 4 years. I want to be part of a team that supports and encourages new opportunities and thinks “outside the box”. I would love to hear from you, if you have any suggestions on how to make our great city even better.

There are challenges facing us, and if successful in my re-election bid, I will continue to focus on the following issues:

Expanding Local Economy

Maintain low taxes, support CEPCO, have a "pro business, can-do" attitude, forge solid relationship with our FN neighbours and support revitalization.

Increasing Affordable Housing

Densify urban corridors, provide incentives to build rental and "purpose-build" housing, encourage carriage homes and suites, and maintain low residential property taxes.

Protecting the ALR and Supporting Our Local Farmers

Support our Ag Advisory Committee, promote local awareness of Ag practices, encourage Ag tourist and education, and support new food processing facilities.

Crime and Public Safety

Get tough on criminals, get enough police at the right time in right areas, offer shelter, help and support to those who will accept it.